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Useful Links/Resources

Below you will find helpful community resources as well as some other internet resources.

Community Resources
          Breastfeeding Support - Eastern Shore Baby Café - 251-279-1478
          Developmental Concerns - Early Intervention - 800-543-3098
          Developmental Concerns - Baldwin County Board of Education - 251-937-0306
          Mental Health - Alta Pointe - 251-450-2211
          Food Help - Prodisee Pantry - 251-626-1720
          Domestic Violence - The Lighthouse - 251-947-6008
          Other Needs - Ecumenical Ministries - 251-928-3430

Local Counselors, Psychologists, and Psychiatrists
           Follow the above link for the contact information for some local counselors, Psychologists and Psychiatrists.  Please verify coverage with your insurance company.

Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety
          Follow the above link for some helpful information on Anxiety in Children and Adolescents. 

Childhood and Adolescent Depression
          Follow the above link for some helpful information on Depression in Children and Adolescents.
We have included many local dental providers; however, this is not an all-inclusive list of the dental providers in our area. (by the American Academy of Pediatrics) is the only parenting website backed by 67​,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
This section of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has information on various diseases.
This section of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has extensive information on vaccines and why you should vaccinate your children.
The Vaccine Education Center is published by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
The Period of PURPLE Crying® is the phrase used to describe the time in a baby's life when they cry more than any other time.  This web site is a new way to help parents understand this time in their baby's life, which is a normal part of every infant's development.

This website is run by Postpartum Support International (PSI) is to promote awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing.  It is the vision of PSI that every woman and family worldwide will have access to information, social support, and informed professional care to deal with mental health issues related to childbearing. PSI promotes this vision through advocacy and collaboration, and by educating and training the professional community and the public.

This website is run by The Child Mind Institute, an independent, national nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders.  When a child is struggling, or his behavior worries you, it can be hard to know whether you need to reach out to a professional. And if you do seek help, what kind of professional, and what kind of treatment, is right for your child?
Today we communicate through a powerful combination of words, images and sounds. Therefore, becoming "media literate" requires a new set of skills that enable us not only to comprehend, but also to create and distribute information across all mediums. The goal of this website is to help you prepare the young people in your life to become wise users of the powerful technologies that are transforming everything about the way we learn, communicate, and interact!
This website provides resources aimed specifically at adolescents and young adults and their parents looking for additional information, including support groups, peer networks, helplines, treatment locators, and advocacy opportunities.