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Vaccine Policy

IMG_0375.jpegEastern Shore Children's Clinic is committed to providing the best and most current medical care to our patients. We support evidence based medicine and strive to stay up to date on all current American Academy of Pediatrics and CDC guidelines.

We also strive to develop meaningful relationships with our patients and families based on mutual trust and open communication. We respect the right of parents to make the health care choices they believe are appropriate for their children, and want parents to view us as the trusted expert for their family in regards to both preventative and sick care.

We at ESCC do strongly believe the current vaccine schedule is the safest and most effective way to immunize your child. We firmly believe not only in the safety of vaccines, but also that all children and young adults should receive all of the recommended vaccines according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Based on all available literature, evidence, and current studies, we do not believe vaccines or the occasionally used preservative thimerosal cause autism or other development disabilities.

As we believe the single most important preventative medical intervention is vaccines, if your belief as a parent differs then the basis for a trusting relationship is missing. As a result if your immunization philosophy differs from our view, we would ask that you choose another clinic that aligns with your preferences and shares your medical philosophy. 

We are happy at any well visit to discuss vaccines, the science behind vaccines, your questions, and our recommendations. We recognize that the choice to vaccinate may be an emotional one for some parents, but as we feel so strongly about this issue, we do not deviate from our vaccine policy. 

Vaccine Policy detailed below:

  • The current vaccine schedule as suggested by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Committee on Immunization Practices is the safest and most effective plan for immunizations. 
  • Not vaccinating your child according to the recommended guidelines places both your child and those who are exposed to your child at risk of contracting harmful and potentially fatal illnesses that are preventable. 
  • Vaccines are safe and are not proven to cause autism or developmental disabilities.
  • Delaying vaccines or giving vaccines according to an “alternative schedule” only increases the time period that your child may be susceptible to a preventable disease.
  • We do not accept patients whose parents refuse all vaccines.
  • We will discuss vaccines with families and answer questions related to vaccines.